
  1. Thai Pro – owner of the Nattakan reservation system, company registered in the National Court Register, with the following data:

    Thai Pro Sp. z o.o.
    Ul. Bukowińska 12/726A
    02-703 Warszawa

    NIP: 5213891333
    KRS: 0000830820
    Tel: +48790553558

    running a Thai Massage Salon Nattakan, in Warsaw, Zgoda 5 str. no. 30
  2. Consumer – a natural person concluding a reservation contract with the Seller as part of the Reservation System, the subject of which is not directly related to its business or professional activity.
  3. Seller – Thai Pro company concluding a reservation contract with the Client as part of the Reservation System.
  4. Client – each entity making reservation through the Reservation System.
  5. Entrepreneur – a natural person, a legal person and an organizational unit that is not a legal person, the separate law of which grants legal capacity, performing on its own behalf an economic activity that uses the Reservation System.
  6. Reservation System – online reservation system run by the Seller at the Internet address https://www.nattakan.pl
  7. The agreement concluded at a distance –  an agreement concluded between the Seller and the Client as part of an organized system of concluding distance contracts (Reservation System), without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties, with the sole use of one or more means of distance communication up to the conclusion of the contract, inclusive.
  8. Terms – these Terms and Conditions of the Reservation System.
  9. Reservation – Client’s declaration of intent submitted via the Reservation Form and aimed directly at concluding Reservation Agreement of the Service(s) with the Seller.
  10. Account  – the Client’s account in the Reservation System, it contains data provided by the Client and information about reservations placed by him in the Reservation System.
  11. Reservation Form – a form available in the Reservation System that allows to create a Reservation.
  12. Reservation Agreement – massage services reservation agreement concluded between the Client and the Seller via the online Reservation System. The Reservation Agreement also means – in accordance with the features of the Serviecs – an agreement for the provision of services and a for a specific work.
  13. Service – a service, available in the Reservation System that is the subject of the Reservation Agreement between the Client and the Seller, in particular, that may be massage services.
  14. Voucher – a bearer voucher, sold in the form of a plastic or paper card, entitling the User to purchase services in a Nattakan massage salon up to a maximum amount corresponding to the nominal value of the voucher or the value of the money with which it was topped up. The voucher is not a payment card and is not an electronic payment instrument.
  15. E-Voucher – electronic voucher (QR code), entitling the User to purchase the Nattakan massage salon services. The  E-Voucher is not a payment card and is not an electronic payment instrument.

Technical requirements

  1. To use the Reservation System, including viewing the Reservation System availability and creating reservations for Services, they are necessary:

    a)  a terminal device with access to the Internet and a web browser;

    b)  an active email account (email) or active telephone number.

§ 2
General information

  1. The Seller, to the fullest extent permitted by law, shall not be liable for any disruptions, including interruptions in the functioning of the Reservation System, caused by force majeure, unlawful actions of third parties or incompatibility of the Online Reservation System with the Client’s technical infrastructure.
  2. Viewing the Reservation System availability does not require creating an Account. Creating reservations by the Client for Products in the Reservation System is possible either after creating an Account in accordance with the provisions of §3 of the Regulations or by providing the necessary personal and address data enabling the Reservation to be created without creating an Account.
  3. The prices given in the Reservation System are given in Polish zlotys and are gross prices (including VAT).

Creating an Account in the Reservation System

  1. To create an Account in the Reservation System, one must complete the Reservation Form and then select desired reservation slot.
  2. Creating an Account in the Reservation System is free.
  3. Logging in to the Account is done by entering the one time login token sent by the Seller to contact specified by the Client in the Reservation Form.
  4. The Client may at any time, without giving a reason and without incurring any fees, delete the Account by sending an appropriate request to the Seller, by e-mail to the following address: salon@nattakan.pl, by phone at +48 790 553 558 or in writing to the address of the registered office Thai Pro at the top of these Terms.

Rules for creating a Reservation

  1. In order to create a Reservation:

    a)  select the desired time for the service by filling the Reservation Form, and then click “Check availability”;

    b)  choose the best time for Resrvation from the list by clicking “Reserve” button;

    c)  complete the Reservation Form by entering all the required contact details of the recipient of the Service (e-mail or phone number);

    d)  accept these Terms, and if you choose a Product that is a Voucher or E-Voucher, additionally read and accept the Voucher Terms, available at https://shop.nattakan.pl/pl/content/6-vouchers-terms;

Execution of the Reservation Agreement

  1. The conclusion of the Reservation Agreement between the Client and the Seller takes place after the Client has created a Reservation using the Reservation Form in the Reservation System in accordance with §4 of the Terms.
  2. After creating Reservation, the Seller immediately confirms its receipt and at the same time accepts the Reservation for execution. Confirmation of receipt of the Reservation and its acceptance for implementation takes place by sending the Client an appropriate email message or text message to the Client’s email address or phone number provided when creating the Reservation, which contains at least the Seller’s declaration of receipt of the Reservation and its acceptance for implementation and confirmation of the conclusion of the Reservation Agreement. Upon receipt of the above email by the Client, a Reservation Agreement is concluded between the Client and the Seller.

Withdrawal from agreement concluded at a distance

  1. A buyer who is a Consumer within the meaning of art. 22 [1] of the Civil Code, may exercise the right to withdraw from the Reservationv Agreement within 14 days from the date of delivery of the Product.
  2. In case of cancellation of Reservation the Client should inform the Seller as soon as possible about the withdrawal from the Reservation Agreement by:
  3. – sending cancellation e-mail with all the reservation details to e-mail address: booking@nattakan.pl
  4. – sending cancellation text message with all the reservation details to phone number: +48790553558
  5. – use link provided in the Reservation confirmation message

 Personal data

  1. The administrator of personal data of Clients collected via the Reservation System is the Seller.
  2. Clients’ personal data collected by the administrator via the Reservation System are collected in order to execute the Reservation Agreement, and if the Client agrees – also for marketing purposes.
  3. The Client has the right to access their data and correct them.
  4. Providing personal data is voluntary, but failure to provide the personal data indicated in the Terms necessary to conclude a Reservation Agreement results in the inability to conclude this contract.
  5. More information on the Privacy Policy is available on the website: https://www.nattakan.pl/en/privacy/

 Final Provisions

  1. The Terms are available continuously at https://www.nattakan.pl They are also available in the Nattakan Massage Salon.
  2. The applicable law is the Polish law.
  3. The Seller may amend these Terms for an important reason which is:

    a)  change of generally applicable legal provisions or their interpretation by authorized bodies, having a direct impact on the content of the Terms and resulting in the need to adapt them to such a change in provisions or their interpretation;

    b)  removing ambiguities or interpretation doubts regarding the content of the Terms reported by Users;

    c)  change or extension of existing functionalities or adding new functionalities;

    d)  Users’ safety, including in particular, the need to prevent abuse.
  4. Any changes to the Terms come into force within 14 days from the date they are made available on the website https://www.nattakan.pl. Amendments to the Regulations do not affect the scope of rights acquired by customers.
  5. In the event of a dispute between the Consumer and Seller, in addition to legal proceedings before the competent common court, the Consumer is entitled to refer the matter to out-of-court dispute resolution, including down:

    a)  apply, pursuant to the Act of 23 September 2016 on out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes, to the Trade Inspection (the relevant Provincial Inspector of Trade Inspection) for the out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes – contact details are available on page: www.uokik.gov.pl/wiih;

    b)  apply for a case to be examined by the Permanent Consumer Arbitration Court operating at the relevant Provincial Inspectorate of Trade Inspection – a list of such courts and contact details are available on the website: www.uokik.gov.pl/wazne_adresy.php#faq596;

    c)  ask the Municipal Ombudsman for Consumer Rights for assistance in the protection of consumer interests and rights (www.uokik.gov.pl/rzecznicy).
  6. All the above-mentioned out-of-court dispute resolution methods are voluntary and require the consent of both parties to the dispute.
  7. These Terms are valid from December 1, 2020.